Why Dental Institute?

We are aware that trust is a concern when it comes to getting medical treatment abroad. Partnering with most advanced and experienced clinics in Istanbul, we, Dental Institute, stand behind our work.

We mutually sign a dental treatment guarantee agreement with each patient. These agreements are official and professional commitment of Dental Institute of Istanbul to its patients. Our guarantee covers:

  • Lifetime guarantee on Dental Implants
  • 5 years guarantee for Porcelain Crowns/Veneers
  • 5 years guarantee for Porcelain Dental Bridges
  • 2 years guarantee for Dental Inlay / Onlay
  • 1 year guarantee for Dental Fillings

Having said that a good treatment alone is not enough for a stress-free medical trip. We are here to make sure you have a memorable experience overall – one that you truly enjoy, by yourself or with your loved ones around you.

Why Istanbul?

This amazing city is situated on 2 continents, Asia and Europe. Visitors will find both western and eastern beauty. From ancient mosques and palaces to bustling markets and delicious restaurants, there’s something for everyone in Istanbul.

If you are looking for how to spend your days during your time Istanbul, this may be a good guide for you:

Guide Link

Apart from being a gorgeous city with its nature, history, food and warm people, Istanbul is a very advanced capital when it comes to dental technology and expertise.